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Trip to Paraguay: interest and information

Has the election of your next trip been Paraguay? Since then I believe that you will have to pay a lot of attention to the data that here we will contribute so that you come to destination with information to know where to go, where not, what requisites you will have to fulfill to input to the country and the others.

Paraguay borders to the northwest on Bolivia, on Brazil to the east and northwest and on Argentina on the south. It is, along with Bolivia, the only country of the continent without output to the sea which only connection with the ocean is the river Parana. Your territory is shaped by a plain of prairies in which your subtropical forests rise, As, to the west of the river Paraguay there is located the region of the Nunchaku, a slightly inhabited extensive flatness. It is necessary to emphasize that this country belongs to the few ones of South America that there preserves almost intact the aboriginal culture that coexists with the Hispanic arrival after the colonization. This way, it is very common to listen to your people, speaking the Guarani language.

As for the climate the summer becomes very warm reaching an average of 35 grades, while during the winter it is about them 22ºC in July, the coldest month. For his part, the precipitations are distributed in a uniform way throughout the year. This way, according to the understood ones, the best station for a trip to the Paraguay is the winter, when during the day the heat makes be evident, but during the nights the temperature descends.

As for the requisites for the input to the country, for a stay that it does not overcome 90 days, only the passport will be necessary a day. As for the vaccines, the only one that is demanded it is that of the yellow fever, although also it is recommended to take precautions and to be vaccinated against such illnesses like the polio, diphtheria and lockjaw. If of food it is processed, previously to consume fruits and vegetables, to wash them well and only to drink mineral water. Once in Paraguay, the displacements it is convenient to do route bus or taxi, both quite economic options. But if of long distances it is processed, the plane is, undoubtedly, the best answer. The railroad network is antiquated, slightly comfortable, but very picturesque, fluvial route they can surf the rivers Paraguay and Parana in a ferry, the highways are not in the best state therefore, to avoid stress, I did not rent motorcars.

As for the safety, this is not a thread of major worry. Only it is enough to avoid to show value objects, to journey areas dark or removed from the center and the multitudes. It is recommended also, always to take with it the documents, since the police control panel is a current currency. Before them, always to support the calmness. The safe places? Your capital, Asunción, a beautiful colonial city where they stand out the Palace of Government, the house Violates, the Cathedral, the House of the Paraguayan Culture and the House of the Independence. The National park Ybycuí, it allocates one in full tropical forest, in the East of the country there can visit the missions Jesuits of Trinidad, San Ignacio Guazú and Santa Maria, in addition to Itaguá and the Prey of Itapú. The National park Hill Corá, the biggest of the country, and the Nunchaku.

You can find cheap flights to Paraguay from Madrid (to view hotels in Madrid), route Argentina. More information in Trip to Paraguay. Guidebook to Paraguay and Recommendations

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